Episode 43: Sex with Friends: Diamond Stylz

Ev’Yan brings back her series, Sex with Friends—special conversations that feature the sexual origin stories of some of her favorite people. In this episode, Diamond Stylz walks down memory lane through her childhood and shares some of the funny and life-changing moments that shaped how she came to explore her own sexuality.

Diamond also shares what it looked like coming into her womanhood in a traditional household, what she thought sex was as a child, and what her sex life looks now as she’s let go of the idea of the “perfect woman” and reclaimed her pleasure. 

Diamond is an engaging and hilarious storyteller with an honest approach when talking about her sexual liberation journey, and she takes that energy with her throughout this episode and also in her own podcast, Marsha’s Plate, which discusses the Black trans experience.

What’s in this episode—

  • How Diamond explored her sexuality and body as a youth

  • What sex talks looked like while growing up as a queer child

  • The way Diamond “come out” when it came to her sexuality and gender

  • How Diamond is exploring her sexuality today as a grown woman

  • And what sexual liberation means to her

Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

For a transcription of this episode, click here.

About Diamond—

Diamond Stylz is one of the premier voices of the millennial black trans community. She is the host of Marsha's Plate, a podcast that centers trans-inclusive pro-black feminism and pop culture. She started her activism at 17 when she won a First Amendment right cases against Indianapolis Public School system, a victory that allow her to go to the proms in a gender affirming gown instead of a tuxedo. At 20 she was the first openly trans woman to attend the legendary HBCU Jackson State University. Nowadays she is continuing her work a board member of the Black Trans Advocacy Conference and the spiritually centered TransFaith Inc.

Follow Diamond on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook and check out her podcast Marsha’s Plate.


Episode 44: Are You Cliterate? With Sophia Wallace


Episode 42: Consent is Actually Sexy with Jaclyn Friedman